“When Television is good, Nothing is better, When its bad, Nothing is Worse”.

TV was created in the early 20th century and then sold to the public around the mid-50’s and 60’s during the start of the Cold War era. It was a new way of entertainment for society during that time and it revolutionized how people were going to spend their free time. Although this sort of instantaneous sight and sound was not present at any point in human history, its benefits outweigh the repricusions. Giving mankind the power of instantaneous sight and sound allows us to communicate with one another all around the globe and promotes creativity with a more modern use of technology, but this leads to negative health effects. 

New technologies in the mid to late 20th century gave society the power to communicate and inherit news from around the globe. The introduction of television was the start of a technological revolution where new technologies were constantly introduced such as computers, phones, iphone, etc. According to “” “It all started in 1971 with the invention of the first microprocessor by Intel. Soon after, personal computers became common in the 1980s, and it was not until the 1990s that computers became a household item”. The first public computer was created a little over a decade after the introduction of television in family homes. With technologies like these being developed pretty rapidly, people had the ability to tune into channels streamed from across the globe. People could finally get their news in a more quick and efficient way. Shifting over to the 21st century, the most groundbreaking piece of instantaneous sight and sound was created and it was the iphone. According to Steve Jobs” "iPhone was the multitouch interface and groundbreaking software that allowed users to control the device with their fingers, by tapping, swiping, or pinching”. The Iphone gave us humans the power to communicate with one another anytime and anywhere. It gave us humans the true power of sight and sound where people can use this platform to create and transition from the old way of life. 

Containing the power of instantaneous sight and sound gives us the platform to promote our creativity with the world through the platform of communication it provides us with. According to “” “Access to abundant ideas can be inspirational to the creative process. With the internet, inspiration and encouragement are easily accessible to creative minds”.  The internet provides us with more direct and easier access to widespread and real time information which can drive us to create more abundant ideas. This can inspire people to work together to generate more creative solutions and work on projects together. With technologies like the computer and iphone being created in the past, this had led to the government using these technologies for exploration. According to “Nasa” “NASA uses robotic systems to explore other planets and objects in our solar system as precursors to crewed missions”. With the creation of all these new technologies, the widespread power of instantaneous sight and sound is only getting greater as well as the risk of this power being used by evil intentions.

The power of instantaneous sight and sound can be used to do so much good but with that the risk of it being used for evil purposes is the same. The use of this power can lead to detrimental health effects where it can cause disorders, shortening one's lifespan.

According to “Tech Business News”
“Long periods of screen time can negatively affect our health and communication skills by causing insomnia, eye strain, and anxiety and depression”.

The use of these technologies too much prevents one from using actual face to face social communication and leads to disorders like insomnia, reduced dopamine which can result in Parkinson’s, etc. People also use these powers to spread negativity, post evil things, and invade one's privacy. According to Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick “Examples of cyberstalking include: Sending unwanted, frightening, or obscene emails, or text messages. Harassing or threatening you on social media. Tracking your computer and internet use”. You never know who could be watching you through your computer and what their intentions are.

Humans have been recently given this power of sight and sound and many people use it in good and bad ways. Although giving mankind the power of instantaneous sight and sound allows us to communicate with one another and allows us to be more creative; it has its negative effects and the question is how can humans still contain this power but limit the use of evil and health effects that come along with it.
